
A new paper, “Extracting and visualizing hidden activations and computational graphs of PyTorch models with TorchLens” led by JohnMark Taylor is now published in Scientific Reports! A tweet thread summarizing the paper is here.

Congratulations to Hossein Adeli for winning 2nd place in The Algonauts Project “The 2023 Challenge: How the Human Brain Makes Sense of Natural Scenes'' achieving a challenge score of 63.52! Hossein’s model used a general transformer encoder-decoder to map images to fMRI responses. Read the report for more information about the framework and try the code in the github repository.

The lab welcomes new graduate student, Josh Ying, who joins us through the psychology program. 

A new paper by Heiko Schütt, “Statistical Inference on Representational Geometries”, is published now in eLife. Learn more about it here.

Savannah Smith has joined the Visual Inference Las as lab manager and administrative assistant.

Visual Inference Lab alumni Heiko Schütt has his story featured in The Science Life!

The Science Life is an illustrated series that explores the lived experiences of people connected to brain research: the human moments of tragedy and triumph that define what it means to be a scientist and how science is done.

Dr. Hossein Adeli joined on June 1 to work on recurrent models of visual inference in the primate brain.

Congratulations to postdoc Heiko Schuett, who is starting a new role as associate professor at the University of Luxembourg!

The lab is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher for an NIH-funded project on primate face recognition. Learn more about the position and how to apply here.

Congratulations to postdoc Tal Golan, who is starting a new role as senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University!

Congratulations to Tal Golan and Wenxuan Guo for receiving an award for best paper at the NeurIPS Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence workshop!

The lab welcomes new postdoctoral researcher Paul Linton to the Zuckerman Institute and the Presidential Scholars in Society and Neuroscience Program.

The lab received a new grant from the National Institutes of Health BRAIN Initiative, “Revealing the mechanisms of primate face recognition with synthetic stimulus sets optimized to compare computational models”, in collaboration with Winrich Freiwald’s lab at Rockefeller University.

A new paper "Face dissimilarity judgements are predicted by representational distance in morphable and image-computable models" is now out in PNAS (preprint version available at bioRxiv), led by lab alumni Kamila Jozwik, Jonathan O'Keeffe, and Kate Storrs. Learn more about it here.

Congratulations to graduate student Wenxuan Guo for receiving a named fellowship from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences! Wenxuan's fellowship comes from the Kamel S. Bahary Fellowship Fund.